19. January 2023Published by Matheus Calebh on 19. January 2023Image-based Recommendation Technology and Trend DetectionHow the fashion online store MADELEINE was able to sgnificantly increase its online sales with the help of artificial intelligence
4. November 2022Published by Matheus Calebh on 4. November 2022Why am I seeing this Look?The Logic behind Complete the Look
26. October 2022Published by Matheus Calebh on 26. October 2022Automated Outfit and Product Recommendations in Email MarketingHow the Witt Group reactivates its customers in a GDPR-compliant manner without additional opt-in and increases its online sales
26. October 2022Published by Matheus Calebh on 26. October 2022Creating Outfits with VisualyticsAnd how to style 10 Outfit Types
26. October 2022Published by Matheus Calebh on 26. October 2022Complete the Look with Mailing IntegrationHow easy it is to increase your conversion rate in email marketing
17. December 2021Published by Sebastian Kielmann on 17. December 2021Proin volutpat quam at lorem dapibus risus. Suspendisse adipiscing. Mauris fringilla aliquet. Praesent lacinia lacus. Maecenas tortor mauris, placerat at, fermentum molestie sagittis. Lorem ipsum a diam.
16. December 2021Published by Sebastian Kielmann on 16. December 2021Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per conubia nostra, per conubia nostra, per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Sed lobortis laoreet feugiat.